This scenario demonstrates naval warfare capabilities of VR-Forces in six separate vignettes. Each vignette is most easily viewed using a saved observer view:
Mine Clearing
A P-3 drops mines along a route. A minesweeper clears the mines.
Naval Gunfire
Two surface ships bombard a runway using naval guns. To start this vignette, click the Naval Bombardment scenario event button on the toolbar
Sonar and Sonobuoys
Two P-3s deploy sonobuoys along a route. One deploys passive sonar sonobuoys, the other deploys active sonar sonobuoys. Two submarines are on each route. One moves, the other does not. The active sonar sonobuoys detect the moving submarine and the one that is not moving. The passive sonar sonobuoys only detect the moving submarine.
Sonar Dip / Torpedo
A submarine fires torpedoes at a surface vessel. Meanwhile, a helicopter dips sonar. When it identifies a submarine, it sends a message to a destroyer. The destroyer fires a torpedo that targets the submarine.
Sub Maneuvers
A submarine raises its periscope, then submerges and lowers the periscope. It travels underwater. While travelling, a depth charge explodes nearby. The submarine surfaces and raises its periscope. The default observer view provides a good view of the submarine once it submerges. You may want to move the observer closer to the submarine to observe the periscope and submerging behavior.
You might also want to enable wave and spray effects on the Display Settings dialog box, Render Settings page and attach to the submarine in mimic mode when it submerges or surfaces.
Ballistic Missiles
A multi-stage ballistic missile is launched against the inset site.
Embedded Entities with SAR
An Embedded Helicopter is deployed from a DDG to search for a missing Fishing Boat. The helicopter will be recovered by the DDG when it finishes the search.
To start this vignette, click on the Search and Rescue scenario event button on the toolbar.
Embarked Movement
An armed security detail patrols the deck of a cargo ship. The human entities are embarked, and running Patrol Route tasks.The routes are attached to the ship.
一架P-3飞机沿着一条路线投下水雷. 一搜扫雷船清扫水雷.
两架p -3在一条航线上部署声纳浮标. 一架部署被动声纳浮标, 另一架部署主动声纳浮标. 每条航线上都有两艘潜艇. 一个动,另一个不动. 主动声纳声纳浮标探测移动的潜艇和静止的潜艇。被动声纳声纳浮标只探测移动的潜艇。
吊放声纳 / 鱼雷
潜艇向水面舰艇发射鱼雷. 与此同时, 一架直升机吊放声纳. 当他识别出潜艇时, 就会向驱逐舰发送一条信息. 驱逐舰发射鱼雷攻击潜艇.
Sub Maneuvers
一架搭载式直升机被部署在DDG上搜寻失踪的渔船. 直升机完成搜寻后,DDG将会找到它. 要启动此小插曲,请单击工具栏上的搜索和救援场景事件按钮.